Society for Emerging and Advanced Facilitators

New Membership Structure & Reduced Dues!

We’ve loved having participants from all over the Southeast and beyond join our virtual workshops, so we’ve created a virtual membership and lowered the annual fee.

New Membership Structure & Reduced Dues!

And look for in-person Atlanta-area events too.  We’re looking forward to getting back together!

Single-Shingle Special Interest Group

Held on odd months, these Members-Only events are designed to help independent consultants grow their practices.

Are YOU a Facilitator?  Do you NEED a Facilitator?

You probably ARE if you:   lead a team, lead meetings or events, if you develop agendas, if you work to gain consensus in a group, if you help gather ideas and information in a group setting, if you pull people together to make things happen …

You probably DO if you:  have a high-stakes project or goal that requires broad commitment from individuals with different priorities and perspectives, if you are involved in the project or outcome and need to focus on that rather than guiding the meeting process, if you want to be sure that all participants feel heard, remain engaged, and leave committed …

“SEAF is a colorful, challenging, nourishing gathering-place for facilitators to exchange ideas and learn new tricks to use right away.  I come away different each time I attend.”  ~Claudia Brogan

“SEAF gets me out of my head to share ideas and connect with brilliant people in the facilitation space. I’m always learning something new with SEAF!” ~Scott Szymanski Trainer, Instructional Designer

Who Joins SEAF?

SEAF offers invaluable professional development opportunities for anyone who spends time planning and coordinating meetings, whether they’re a full-time, part-time or aspiring facilitator, or have never even heard of the term “facilitation.”

Our members represent a variety of occupations such as: professional facilitators, coaches, project managers of all kinds, business analysts, consultants, senior management, and others whose role requires facilitation skills on a daily basis. Many of us are employed in major organizations, and many are self-employed. We work in education, IT, healthcare, community building, environmental and non-profit industries—from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.

No matter your title, function, industry, or organization size, if you run meetings with clients or colleagues then you use facilitation skills. And if you want to improve your facilitation skills—and the effectiveness of the meetings you run—there is no better place to do that than as a member of SEAF!

SEAF Workshops & Other Programs

SEAF workshops are held the second Friday of every other month. Meetings are currently Virtual, with networking from 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM, meeting and presentation from 10:00 AM till 12:30 PM. Meetings are designed to include:

  • Facilitated Presentation:  expert speakers, current topics
  • Facilitated Engagement:  lively discussions, group participation, Q&A
  • Skills, techniques & tips:  a look behind the curtain
  • Networking:  helpful, open, generous

Cost of in-person half-day workshops when they resume:

  • Members: Free for half-day workshops
  • First-Time Guests: $25 for half-day workshops
  • Non-members: $55 for half-day workshops
  • Non-member Student (with ID): $25

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are free and open to all SEAF members. 

To join our email list for meeting notifications, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

For our program calendar, click on the events tab at top.

The Value of Being a SEAF Member

As a member, you’ll be eligible to participate free of charge in six virtual workshops per year ($25 each for non-members) and $20 registration for in-person Atlanta events ($55 for non-members). You will also be eligible to participate in SEAF’s Special Interest Groups, and other activities that are only open to members.

As a SEAF member, you’ll also have opportunities to:

  • Network with other facilitators across industries and support and learn from each other
  • Learn new facilitation skills and stay current in the field of facilitation
  • Promote your business or company
  • Connect with other facilitators on LinkedIn and Slack
  • Utilize your skills and talents to give back to the community and to help SEAF meet its mission and objectives

“SEAF has been important for over 15 years for my development as a Facilitator.  It’s BRAIN CANDY!” ~Jayne Wallace